Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A charming country home with style north of Copenhagen

One place we didn't visit on my travels, but is still very much on my travel wish list, is Copenhagen. I'm sure the architecture and shops would be right up my alley. Has anyone been to Copenhagen? What did you think?

The natural light in this home is great - also the architectural details like the radiator cover and top window pane.

I'm a sucker for detail shots :)

The look of all those books in the bedroom is really nice - but I'd be afraid I'd stay up too late each night reading.

This little spot in the yard is wonderfully wabi sabi no?

What do you think of this home? Close to your style?
via Indenfor and Udenfor

A great new designer discount site from Daily Candy! I have your free membership code!

We all love Daily Candy for their great beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tips. Now they've come out with "Swirl," which is a site featuring sample sales from various designers. It's still in Beta but I thought I'd spread the word so you have one more way to snag your fave designer goodies for less. I've set up this referral link so you guys can sign up quickly and start being notified of future sales -or just start shopping now :)

Here's the link. Click on it or copy and paste it into your browser's url field. http://beta.swirl.com/invite/decorology

Here's a little peak at some of the stuff that's on sale right now -

Isn't this the prettiest bag? (Bags are from the Carla Mancini sale)

...from the Victorialand sale

...from the Lucky Brand Lounge sale...

Interested? Here's that link again (membership is free) http://beta.swirl.com/invite/decorology
You'll just need to enter the email address to which you'd like sale notifications sent, a password, and your zip code!

Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm back from Europe - with a book giveaway!!

Hi everyone! I'm so excited to be able to post on a regular basis again! The trip was absolutely amazing and I promise to share pictures of my boyfriend and my 9 week journey - but first I have to do some photo organizing. I thought I'd welcome everyone back with a book giveaway, Mark Montano's "Big-Ass Book of Home Decor." You can see samples of the book in my review post from May. To enter the giveaway just leave a comment telling me your favorite place (city, country, etc.) you've ever traveled, and why if you wish. Or you can email me your favorite place. The giveaway will be closed next Tuesday at 12am EST. Good luck!

And now, to warm up a bit - I thought I'd just publish some good old Decorology-style eye-candy. It's great to be back!

via Apartment Therapy

What do you think of the open backs of these upholstered dining chairs

I like the "living" room feel of this bathroom.
via House Beautiful
Love the pink flowers and eucalyptus on the window sill
via NiKreationS

via Chico Deco

via House to Home

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

War Movies & a few random pictures taken over the weekend

Like I've said, I love war movies! Especially the ones on Vietnam War or Korean War. And now, again through the internet I've watched several war movies over the weekend and I would like to share it with you.

Firstly, when the movie genre is under 'War Movie', it could just be a movie involving guns, militaries, countries... etc... It doesn't necessary have to be those 'real' war movies like World War 2, Vietnam War... Etc...

And lastly, I only like to watch those war movies that weren't produced too long ago! I wouldn't have much interest in the movie if it is produced earlier than year 1995. Why? Because I will know that the special effects wouldn't be that good.

Sometimes, when I was watching those war movies, it triggers back the memories and imaginations of my army trainings and it is quite inspiring, but no, I do not like army life! :p

Alright enough said, below will be my brief reviews for the war movies I've caught online!







U-571 (2000)

I personally give a rating of : 8 out of 10

Usually, the war movies I watched is based on infantry soliders, but as far as I can remember, this will be the first war movie I watched that is based on navy.


Three Kings (1999)

I personally give a rating of : 7 out of 10

A little goofy and just didn't really like the ending, but still a entertaining movie.

Inglourious Basterds (2009)

I personally give a rating of : 8 out of 10

Frankly speaking, I don't quite get the main purpose of what this movie is trying to target. For example, other movies have a 'purpose' like 'recapturing the land back', 'rescue mission', 'destory all the enemies'... etc... But I just don't quite understand the 'purpose' of this movie.

Defiance (2009)

I personally give a rating of : 7 out of 10

What makes this movie interesting is that it is based on a true story. If there were more actions in this movie then it will be great.

Behind Enemy Lines (2001)

I personally give a rating of : 9 out of 10

This is a nice action thriller! Love movies like these! Very nice.

Courage Under Fire (1996)

I personally give a rating of : 8.5 out of 10

This movie is nice. The slight twist in the story makes it interesting, and course you would want to watch all the way to know what really happened...

Battle of Wits (2006)

I personally give a rating of : 7 out of 10

Not the best, but still good.

I didn't know what to write for the movie reviews and that is why I kept all the reviews so short.

And now for a few random pictures taken over the weekend...







My Cat.

Liu Tong.

Such a cute silly cat!

Aloysius Tan.



kimjunhong.blogspot.com Joshua and Jessie playing Time Crisis 4.



kimjunhong.blogspot.com Serious face...


Celine and Jessie.

kimjunhong.blogspot.com Aloysius with specs.


kimjunhong.blogspot.com Aloysius without specs.

Ok. I think I got to go now, I'm getting a little impatient! Bye~

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