Monday, July 5, 2010

More Random Photos

I just had my cut recently and I promised myself that I will never go to an average saloon for a major hair cut anymore!

You see, remember I blogged about the dreadful hair cut I had about a month ago? That was the ugliest hair cut I ever had in at least 2 years time! And worst, I went through my big day with that hair cut! I could only blame myself unlucky to be cut by a 1 week old hair stylist.

A few days ago, I just had my hair cut again and how unlucky I was again... To be cut by a very unexperience auntie! Worst still, her hair cutting techniques were simply 'old-school'!

Jessie and my brother told me that these hair-stylist are not to be blame, they thinks that I didn't explained well to the them before they cut my hair. But trust me, they skills really were worst than average. You will know that their hair-cut skills were simply lousy if you did observed the hair-cut techniques of an experienced but average hair-stylist.

Oh forget it... From now I'll just have to make sure that the next time I need a major hair-cut, I wouldn't go to an average saloon anymore.

Anyway, here are random pictures that I took last week. My actual wedding day photos are not yet ready to be posted on my blog as I was busy with work and also there are still at least 100 pictures to be resized, and I do not have the time for it!

I do not even have enough time to sleep! I've been sleeping an average of only 5 hours nightly, and this has affected my complexion badly! =(

Joshua brought a brand new Iphone 3gs and he loves his new phone!







I would love an Iphone too!

Last week it was raining heavily again,
causing several parts of Singapore to be flooded... Again!







* Orchard Road almost flooded again!

Found this pair of old shoes while I was packing my shoe rack last week...







Brought in 2005 and has never been washed before! Hahaha.
It was a 'memories' shoe...

Last Monday, had dinner with Joshua and Jessie before we decided to go singing.








Me and Jessie.
Me and Joshua.

Dinner is served... Sirloin Steak Medium Done!
Striking some cool pose.
Joshua having fun with his Iphone.
WTH?! Female?!

Awhile later, Kevin came along, and followed by Xin Ting shortly...

Initially, we were planning to sing at ehub's Kbox, but the girl working at the front-desk was new, therefore she gave us the expensively wrong pricing rates!

We then decided to sing in the Hall at Loyang Point's Party World but Kevin wanted to sing in a room instead. So we called and booked a room in Loyang Point's Party World before walking over there!

Shortly upon arriving in Loyang Point, Kevin's friend called him and they coincidentally spoke about singing. Kevin's friend asked him that why go to Party World instead when Kbox was having a $8 promotion! We then headed back to ehub's Kbox.

Frustrated with the girl working at the front-desk, Joshua and Kevin complained her for not telling us the correct price & also wasted our time & energy walking to Loyang Point and back!

To sort of 'compensate' us
, the girl gave us the 'special' rooms which was actually just rooms with a Japanese-theme.
Kevin having his French Fries.
Me, Joshua, and Kevin.
Always photogenic!
Kevin and Me.
Joshua and Kevin.
Me and Jessie.
Kevin and me again...
...And again.
A very 'glorified' pose by Kevin. Haha.
Kevin on his bike...
This was the Japanese-theme room I was talking about.

Xin Ting, Jessie, Me, and Joshua. Kevin took this photo for us.

I enjoyed that night's singing in ehub's Kbox! Compared to all the other Kbox outlets I ever visited in Singapore, it has the best sound system! It was good!

Oh yah, that next day, I was very surprised that new front-desk girl actually found my Facebook and messaged me to apologised! I soon discovered that since a few years ago we have actually knew each other, as in I know who you are and you know who am I, but we weren't friends... Get it? Hahaha.

Ok. Time to rest! Luckily and finally it is my rest day tomorrow, but then again, I won't be able to have a long sleep because Jessie is having an appointment with KK hospital tomorrow!


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