Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Lunar New Year 2010 & Valentine's Day 2010

It's been so long since I blogged! That was because I've been busy writing a story. A story of life... My life. I've been spending over 2 months on it, 3 hours nightly, and it's not even half way there yet!

Anyway, I'm here wishing everyone a

Happy Chinese New Year 2010
Happy Valentine!

(Updates on my CNY will be up soon.)

I had a insanely real nightmare last night! It wasn't anything to do with ghost or monsters, but something to do with getting arrested because of a set-up by the CID! It was so real and scary, I woke up in the end! And I was extremely relieved that it was only a nightmare.

I have not had such a frightening nightmare for years! I guessed that it was because the night before, I must have watched too much videos on YouTube, about a super powerful secrety society called 'Illuminati'.

Speaking of that, ever heard of it, Illuminati?
Go search on YouTube about it. You will be shock and fascinate by the informations of it!

They said Michael Jackson was killed by Illumanati... Barack Obama, or actually all the Presidents of the USA is Illuminati... and more!

I watched another video saying about Barack Obama's famous slogan, 'Yes We Can'. They said it contained Satanic message. If you would to reversed it and played, it will say, 'Thank You Satan'. Quite creepy! Watch it and you will understand.

Frankly speaking, I believe that the Illuminati conspiracy is true.
Everything the government of the USA does, is too suspicious.


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