Thursday, February 5, 2009

Win gorgeous vintage/indie clothes of your choosing!

So, it was recently brought to my attention that Pronto partnered with indie-inspired e-store, to give away a Valentine's Day Outfit.

All you have to do to participate is create a list on of your "Dream V-Day outfit." Select products you like from and then tell why you like them! Find out all the details here!

On Feb 12th, blogger Gala Darling will pick the winner of their dream outfit. It's too fun to pass up.

Check out my Dream V-day Outfit at Pronto!

My three sisters and I are having a v-day party at my parent's house. Their house is an old-school rancher, so I wanted a retro look. The Amber Road Coat and Holloway Dress in Black are a perfect mix of feminine with a high-waisted skirt and over-sized bow. The All Buttoned Up Beret is too adorable, the necklace calls to my childhood sailboat, as the earrings call to my love of nature. The First Lady Peep toes are just plain gorgeous, I love white and the contrasting red heel!


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