Thursday, February 5, 2009

Join the fight to save Domino!

You walk (ok, speed walk), to the mailbox. Today is the day you usually open it to find the new issue of Domino! The cover-- so enticing, so exciting! What is inside this month? Gorgeous pictures and products! Oh, the glossy therapy of all the serene homes! You force myself to wait to open it (maybe a teensy peek) till you're nice and cozy on the couch and free from any potential distractions. Mug of vanilla chai and lemon cake in hand, let the bliss begin!

But wait...there is no Domino in the mailbox! Welcome to reality. Domino is folding. Sad, I know, that's why we need to join together to save it!

Join these modern day Dames in their crusade.

One blog is Save Domino, Betsy C.'s personal crusade.

The other is We Love Domino, brought to you by Kate, former Apartment Therapy Unplggd blogger.

via We Love Domino


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