Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Random Photos & Photos From The Past

I taken a few photos over the last public holiday (National Day)...

Singapore City

Picture of Singapore City took from Esplanade on 9 of August

Me & Jessie

Joshua & his girlfriend

Joshua propose to me

Joshua: "I give you this & let me kiss you once please bro!"


Earlier on today, I briefly browsed through some very old photo albums. Some of the photos caught my attention and I quickly snap a picture of them!

These photos are really old man... At least 10 years old.

Take a look at this picture, taken back 13 years old - 1998...

Me playing YoYo

This boy is me alright...

Me playing YOYO

Guess what brand of Yo-Yo that I am using in the photo? Pro-Yo !


You know, back in 1998, I thought I was some kind of Yo-Yo king...

While I was still browsing through the old photo album, I suddenly heard my Dad exclaiming,

"WAH! Who is this man so handsome??"

Well, he was actually referring to himself. He saw a picture of him taken back in 1998.

This is the pic...

Ok. Quite smart-looking. But not as good as I am! XD

Me & siblings 1998

The above picture of 2 boys encircling a baby on a pram is actually Me (left), my younger sister (Karin), and my brother Jun Hong (right). Took in late 1998.

I also found another picture that is similar with the same people, but with my mum included...

Brother Jun Hao (left), Sister Karin (on pram), Mother (standing), & Me (right).

One of the oldest picture I found, that attracted my attention, was a 1988 picture of my sis, me & my Dad! I think the picture was taken during a vacation in Indonesia...

Elder Sis Eileen, Me & Dad back in year 1988!

I also found a baby picture of my brother that suddenly reminds me of son because of the striking resemblances!

Jun Hao 1991

Picture of my brother Jun Hao around 1 year old.

Then, I placed their pictures side by side. My brother's one with the photograph and my son's one with an iPhone (just by doing this is already enough to perceive the generation gap of technology we have during then & now!)

Kim Zu Rui VS Kim Jun Hao

So who is cuter? Who won? LOL. Wait! There's one more!

Kim Zu Rui VS Kim Jun Hao

Battle of the cuteness

I feel that my son won. In the photo, his eyes look evil, fiercer, bigger size, dark tone and therefore more intimidating! LOL!!! I'm just kidding.

- END -


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