Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Enlightened bathrooms - Serene and Clean

I've always been very intrigued by feng shui, but it seems so hard to figure out, so I never get too deep into instructions. I'm trying to give it another shot, as quite a few aspects of my life feel like they are in shambles right now - and I'm in serious need of some grounding. Have any of you employed or tried using feng shui in your home? If so, do you have advice for beginners like me?

For simplicity's sake - I'm taking small steps by starting with the bathroom.

Here are some simple starter tips I found on MessageNote.com (I had to do some editing as I believe it was translated from another language):

• Close your bathroom when you use it and even when you don't use it. It keeps negative chi energy from the bathroom from spreading across the house.

• If you have an opportunity to make a window in your bathroom, then do it! If you already have one, then you are lucky) Use your window and open it when it is possible.

• Toilet seats and doors should always be closed

• The bathroom is the place where you clean yourself, so it is important that your bathroom is kept clean. You will surely see positive response in your life.
*on a personal note - this so hits home for me. I cannot feel clean in a dirty shower...makes sense to me!

• Get rid of magazines that you don’t read, and organize those that you do. If it's clutter that you don't use - get rid of it! Rid the space of fashion magazines or tabloids that make you feel that you’ll never be rich, thin or beautiful enough. Replace them with books and journals that make you laugh, dream and rejoice.

• Aromatherapy. Why do you like some smells? Because they influence you and increase your mood. Put aroma oil or some good smelling candles in the bathroom. You can use different scents to feel different emotions. For example, if you chose floral scents like jasmine, rose, and carnation, it will invoke romantic mood. Green scents like rosemary , pine, and cucumber invoke courage. Citrus aromas like orange , lemon, and grapefruit stimulate the imagination. Spicy scents - ginger , cinnamon, and frankincense encourage self-expression. Do you want to explore your sensual side? Introduce musky scents like sandalwood, musk, and cedar to your bathroom.

• Repair anything broken in your bathroom. Fix the leaks or invest in a good plumber.

• The bathroom has a lot of water element and this is a vivid fact. You should balance it by adding earth elements, like stones, candles, rugs, earthly colors (sandy colors, terracotta, orange, ochre, yellow). The element of wood will also be a good addition. Soft colors are advised in Feng shui.
*another note - I read somewhere that candles are bad in bathrooms because water and fire are opposites, but I love candles in the bath! Any thoughts?

• Choose good textured rugs and towels.

Additional advice

• Clean the mirror. It reflects yourself. You don’t need to have low self esteem, so clean your mirrors. Don’t place a bagua mirror inside of your house. It has a very big power and can give you only negative effects if you use it inside of your house. (Bagua mirrors are to be placed outside your door to reflect negative energy away.)

• Clean out your medicine cabinet. Old, outdated medications are subtle reminders of unhealthy times. Rid your shelves of any expired pills, powders and potions. Keep only the ones you need, and stow those where they won’t be the first things you see each time you open the cabinet. Put preventative health treatments like vitamins in a more prominent place, so that you’ll feel a greater sense of control over your health.

• Add plants. The more natural objects in your house, the better you will feel. Choose a water-loving plant for the bathroom.

via Ideal Home

via Real Estate Co.

via Message Note

via Bathroom Gallery


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