Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring clearing - the living room!

The living room - does it need any grand introduction? Like the kitchen, it is a major part of the home, a place where every one gathers to relax. With everyone in and out a lot of stuff is left behind - so this weekend, lets freshen it up!

• Dust ceiling, vents, fans, artwork, shelves, lamps, mantel, books, and cobwebs with a feather duster. Make sure your feather duster is made from ostrich feathers, though! Other feather dusters, that aren't made from ostrich feathers, won't pick up the dust.

• Wipe tabletops, baseboards, and windowsills with a microfiber cloth. You can make a furniture polish to really put a shine on everything.

• Dry clean slipcovers, drapery, and cushion covers. You can download a list of eco-friendly dry cleaners at the EPA's website.

• Spray windows, glass tabletops, and frames with glass cleaner. Vinegar and water works great for cleaning windows, or you can whip up a batch of eco-friendly glass cleaner, too.

• Tidy newspapers, books, magazines, and accessories. Try a new way of organizing your books, and color coordinate them. When in doubt about arranging accessories or artwork, arrange in threes.

• Sweep and mop, or vacuum and spot treat floors. For a super-fresh smell on your living room rugs and carpets, try using lavender. Lift cushions of chairs and sofas and vacuum.

text via CasaSugar

via CasaSugar

via House Beautiful

via Australian House and Garden


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