Friday, March 6, 2009

Charming coastal cottages

I have loved the beach since I was a little girl - and a week spent lying on the beach with a new book is my idea of the perfect vacation. Time moves completely differently, and I've never caught myself thinking about work when I'm on a beach. It is also a lifelong dream to one day live close to a beach - or at least have a nice little beach home to escape to from time to time!

Amazing kitchen - small is beautiful!

If I ever got my own studio in Brooklyn, I would love to see if I could pull off a similar look - even in December it would be like coming back to a beach cottage.


Love the bedding - what a difference a cheery palette makes!

I'll be taking my coffee and muffin here tomorrow morning!

Via Coastal Living

love the nautical wallpaper - what room would you put it in?
via Completely Coastal via BHG


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