Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Swedish serenity!

Oh my. After looking at these pictures I'm starting to think that my apartment has far too much clutter, and way too few "proper places" for everything. These images really iterate what a big impact a thoughtful color palette can have on one's space. Sometimes I feel that in order to achieve this I would have to toss everything out and just start from scratch; only buying or collecting items that fall into the color palette I've dictated. Have you achieved this in your space? If so, I'd love to know how you summoned the control!

One of my new favorite images of all time. So cheerful and pretty!

Look! Open storage that isn't an eyesore!

I don't know if anyone really lives here... ;)

You can never, ever have too many shelves installed on the wall. I've never regretted any that I've added!

Images via Sköna Hem

You can put a lot of stuff in a little space with the right storage solutions

I love this workspace. I've been working on a small (but cute) desk since I moved, and sadly, it's just not working. I really need a large surface like this desk.

I really love the little rolling coffee table- great for small spaces

Images via Cookiemag


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