Monday, August 25, 2008

Serenity Now!

When I was a teenager, my bedroom was how I escaped from doing chores. Now, I want my bedroom to just be how I escape, period. Living in the city, one is constantly bombarded with people and stimulus, so it's great to be able to come home after a long day and just retreat for awhile.
These are some bedrooms I wouldn't mind coming home to. Let me know which bedroom you'd prefer!

A. Modern romance

B. Fresh and colorful

C. Transitional, soft palette

D. A little bit of everything

E. Black and White Bliss

F. Cottage Charm

G. Modern white

H. Art-focused with a grand bed

I. Modern feminine

J. Natural touches and wood tones

K. Bold and happy colors

Images via Better Homes and Gardens.


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