Monday, August 31, 2009

Elegant city houses - with a country twist

Hi all! Sorry I've been MIA - I was packing to spend this next month visiting my parents - and then there was the whole moving and unpacking process - which I"d rather not think about. Well, now that I'm here in the country - listening to the crickets and birds - mixed in with the clickity clack of my keyboard - I thought a little reminder of civilization was in order.

The above is a one bedroom, one bath loft in Manhattan's NoHo neighborhood - "NoHo" meaning "North of Houston" - a name created by the real estate industry to give an area a trendy age and thus - up the edge on the prices.

The two images here are from the luxuriously renovated D.C. townhouse.

I adore this wide expanse of floor - a renovated Savannah townhouse.

via Metropolitan Home Sep. 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The "take your breath away" work of photographer Morten Holtum

I have no words.

I would love one of those chairs - I'd toss a chunky knit cream throw over it dream bedroom - I love white and blue striped rugs.

All images property of Morten Holtum

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Inspiring Home Offices

Since I'm now working from home full time, I'm experiencing first hand the importance of a home office with function and style. To achieve this, I've decided, I must peruse as many sites and magazines I can get my hands on! I suspect this post will be continued in future installments --

Color is so important but such a hard thing for me to get right. I wish I could though, because the right colors can be just what one needs - serene, invigorating, relaxing, etc.

So peaceful - I think I'd be able to concentrate with a workspace like this...

I love having my books and magazines at hand - and for that shelving is a must. I'm just going to have to learn to live without when I'm working while I travel

So cheery!
via House to Home

This office looks very efficient - I would also love to have ample - and multiple - work surfaces

via House Beautiful

A real office from an Apartment Therapy reader.

A big (personal) announcement from me

Hi guys,
So, I've been a little quiet about this because I wanted to announce it to everyone all at once. I have several things going on in my life - which means several big changes.

a. I quit my job and am now working for myself full time as a freelance web designer. It was a hard and scary decision, but it's what I've always wanted to do. I don't know how appropriate this is, but I'd like to introduce you to my work incase you or anyone you know ever needs a website designed. My website portfolio is Potential clients can go there to read a bit about me and see some samples of my work.

b. I am leaving NYC for one year. This was mainly inspired by my boyfriend. He left on Sunday for Segovia, Spain, where he will be an assistant teacher in a high school, teaching English. I plan on spending quite a bit of time over there - so I will be writing to you part-time from Spain! In between my visits to Spain I will be working from MD, where I'll be staying with my parents, and from Tampa, where I'll be staying with my sister. Chris (my boyfriend) and I also plan to spend the following summer traveling around Europe - and I hope to share all of my stories and photos with you - if I still have the pleasure of your company.

Segovia, which is approximately 1hr north of madrid.

I'm excited for all of these big changes and for all the new stories that will be shared on Decorology! If you have any traveling words of wisdom or ideas, please do share! I really hope you will stick around - you guys have been immensely suportive during my marathon training and the death of Cody. I love you all! Here's hoping for a great upcoming year!

Monday, August 24, 2009

A stunning modern makeover for a victorian home

LivingEtc. is one of my favorite decorating magazines - most of their homes have a clean, modern-retro look, while still looking homey and lived in. This actresses home is no exception. Her renovation story is interesting and can be read here.

stunning, no?

*hint* she keeps her cream carpets spotless by having them professionally cleaned once every four months.

love this bed
via LivingEtc.

MAJOR Marc Jacobs watch sale and I have your ticket in!

I don't usually share these sales since this is an interior design blog, but I just had to share these beauties. These dramatic, classy watches are mostly between $66 - $83. I can't pick though - which would you get? And if you do want one, or want to see more, you have to use this link for a free membership to the site.

The sale only lasts one more day!

Friday, August 21, 2009

A little showcase of artist homes

Wow. What a long week it has been. On a whim I was looking at some artist house tours and decided to share. Have a great weekend!

Shelagh Stewart's bedroom

"Artists Vik Muniz and Janaina Tschäpe find happiness in a Brooklyn home that has morphed from garage to bachelor pad to bohemian family retreat"

"...painter Anne Becker's peaceful New York apartment with global style"

...of the two above images: "Elizabeth Chapin is not afraid of bright hues. 'I love candy colors, both in my work and in my house,' says the portrait artist, who shares a Victorian home in Austin, Texas" with her family.

images via Elle Decor

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