Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hey guys. I'm going home to my parent's farm in Westminster, MD to see my sister before she moves to Tampa for grad school. Believe it or not, my parents don't have internet, well, they've tried, but the service is iffy. So enjoy your weekend! I leave you with pictures of our farm, Chestnut Creek. Talk to you all on Monday!

Early morning fog from the pond out my parent's front door.

Our tom, a heritage turkey. Sadly he was lost to some hungry foxes.

Rainbow over the woods

A gorgeous Maryland sunset.

Behind the chicken coup

A pair of geese guarding their nest

Giving my naughty dog Cody a bath. He hates them but doesn't seem to realize that if he didn't roll in mysterious poo, then he wouldn't need them so often!

Inspiration for an orderly home

The Shakers are masters of order, simplicity, and practicality. I've had a pretty stressful last month dealing with a break-up and getting ready to move, so looking at their interiors has a calming, decompressing effect on me. ahhh. I think one can definitely learn and borrow from the shakers, and you don't need to stick with rustic furniture and accessories--you can apply their decorating philosophy to what you already have. What are your thoughts?

(first three images from

image from

image from

The small Brooklyn firm called Uhuru blend modern style with the Shaker philosophy.
Images from

Image from
Sara Szyber from Stockholm, designed these modern Scandinavian shaker-style tables

I've been coveting these awesome shaker salt n' pepper shakers, and now they're on sale!

This table to me is a classic. One day when I have more room I will buy a kit and make one. It has the rare capacity to look great no matter what style you love! It can be can be modern. Also from

Garden inspired ceramics

I went to college in Providence, RI surrounded by many great designers, and I try to keep an eye on what the art community up there is doing. My most recent discovery I had to share with you! Asya Palatova is a ceramicist who founded "Gleena" in 2002. Her cups, bowls, plate, vases, and other vessels are wonderfully delicate and lovingly crafted. I absolutely love the illustrations she uses, which often include shells, plants, and beautiful script. Being instantly drawn to handmade objects with an organic look and feel, I could easily have a whole cupboard of her work. Check out her website, or go to her Etsy store for more.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Beautiful designer portfolios

So every now and then I go on a hunt for some interior designers unbeknownst to me for some fresh inspiration, and to stay abreast of what's going on in the interior designosphere (yes I made that up). Here are three that I really liked, and thought you might too.

Anthony Todd
Anthony Todd also has a boutique in Greenwich Village.

...that's a pretty amazing color on the wall

I really love these tray tables by the bed...anybody know where they're from?

Antonia Hutt

I love the art in this room

...wondering if that swinging chair is actually comfy

Anne Coyle

...a great example of designing with books. I'm going to have to try this sometime.

My subscribers are back!

Thank you all so much! My subscribers have reappeared. I really appreciate your help!

Awesome texitiles and decor from Allegra Hicks

I was lucky enough to run across Allegra Hicks last week. They specialize in fashion, homewares, furniture, gifts, and interior design. What I fell in love with right away was their textile patterns, which are delicate, organic, and simply beautiful. Many of the patterns come in a variety of colors and span across many items, such as curtains, pillows, rugs, album covers, and even wallpaper!

I need your help...p p p please!!!

Hello friends! Mysteriously last night all of my subscribers from feedburner disappeared :(
If you were previously subscribed would you mind trying to re-subscribe? Or if you're new here, would you mind subscribing? I'd love to have you too. I was very proud of my little readership and now all my hard work seems flushed! Leave a comment please if you have subscribed so I'll know, and if no one is showing up in feed burner I will take this up with the folks over there....

Thank you all so much!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Best of Blueprint Magazine's interior design and home tours

Blueprint magazine folded last Christmas, but avid fans were able to get a fix here and there by visiting their blog, Bluelines. They also had an insert in Martha Stewart Weddings magazine. Sadly, the blog is also saying goodbye. I had been excited about Blueprint, as each issue seemed to get better than the next, and it had the potential to be a great magazine.

So, in memory of Blueprint and Bluelines, I've put together a "best of" post, which includes my favorite interior design ideas and house tours featured in the magazine.

All photos are from

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